Friday, June 27, 2014

Update Workflow Definition in Production Environment

When you develop workflows in your developing environment you simply re-deploy your SharePoint-project to dev-server, and Visual Studio deletes workflow definitions and associations:

 3> Deleted file 'http://portal-dev/wfsvc/de109848e7d84f2bb90713227d48d9fe/Workflow.xaml' from server.  
 3> Deleted file 'http://portal-dev/wfsvc/de109848e7d84f2bb90713227d48d9fe/WorkflowStartAssociation' from server.  

But when you have developed workflows and publish them to the production environment, you will meet an issue that workflows are not updating.

Sunday, June 1, 2014

Workflow Tasks Emails Disabling

Assigning a task you may want to disable email sending to determine your own emails like in this thread. But what will you see at the task activity properties?